Apply my MAS Grads card to get 30kg luggage allowance
2. 去kao beh JPA官员,问他几时可以帮我们买到机票
Bug JPA officer about air ticket
3. 身体检查
Medical checkup
4. 等Visa~~然后去KL拿回来,希望可以顺便在KL玩多一轮!
Wait for my visa which is in process...then collect them n hopefully hv somemore fun in UK!
5. 买买买东西和准备包裹
Buy stuff to be packed into parcel
6. 准备去英国的行李
Prepare things to bring to UK
7. 吃遍英国吃不到的东西
Eat everything that cant be found in UK
8. 珍惜还在马来西亚的每一天,多陪陪爱我和我爱的人!
Treasure every day before departure, accompany people who love me and whom I love!
All the preparations, are just for-- the departure